JEL Classification: L 83
Trunina Irina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Tourism, Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrogradsky National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine
Ryzhak Alina, Master of the Department of Tourism, Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrogradsky National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine
Introduction. This article examines one of the main components of tourism services, namely the consumer market, which was analyzed through tourist flows. The directions of the development of tourist services were also analyzed in the example of the Poltava region.
Purpose. To analyze the peculiarities of functioning of the regional tourist services market on the example of the Poltava region. The urgency of the study is that the issues of functioning of regional markets for tourist services are among the top priorities among the tasks of economic growth of the country.
Results. It was proved that the Poltava region ranks third in the number of tourists served in comparison with such areas as Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovograd and Cherkassy. It has also been established that the main reasons for the decrease in the number of tourists are the inadequate level of development of the network and tourist infrastructure facilities, their inadequacy to international standards; technological backwardness of the industry; Low level of service, conditioned by the general qualification of the industry workers; there are no funds for the reconstruction of historical and architectural monuments; low level of incomes of the population, including wages.
Conclusions. Poltava region has significant natural, historical and cultural resources, as well as an extensive transport network favorable for development of tourism, but in the region there are a number of problems that hinder the development of such profitable sector of the economy. In solving these problems the Poltava region will be able to compete not only with other regions of Ukraine, but even to enter the international level. The implementation of strategic projects will allow for the appropriate restructuring of the tourism industry in conjunction with the directions of socio-economic life of the region, will enable to orient the population, power, management and business structures and an integrated approach to ensuring the effective use of the advantages and opportunities of the domestic tourism industry, climatic conditions, national traditions and historical features, taking into account environmental protection requirements and preserved we enrich the historical and cultural heritage.
Keywords: tourist services, tourist flows, subjects and objects of the market of tourist services, incomes and expenses.
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