JEL Classification: А35 |
DOI: |
Kurepin V., Senior Lecturer, Professional Teaching Methods Department, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4383-6177
Personnel Security as an Integral Part of Economic Security at Agricultural Enterprises
Abstract. Introduction. The article examines the place of personnel security as a component of the system of economic security at enterprises. The main approaches to the formation of the personnel security system of the enterprise are considered. The role of personnel security in the strategic and operational management of the enterprise is clarified. The algorithm of creation of the personnel security system of the enterprise is outlined. The relationship between personnel security tasks and threats has been established. The main aspects of the personnel security system are identified and their impact on the economic security of the enterprise is analyzed. The scheme of interaction of personnel security of the subject of economic activity with external and internal environment is offered. The main directions of ensuring the personnel security of the enterprise are systematized, namely in the process of selection of candidates for positions, work with the labor collective. The measures that need to be taken to organize this security, taking into account the risks and threats associated with staff, their intellectual potential and employment.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to establish the place of personnel security in the system of economic security to reduce the level and number of threats that weaken the degree of security of the enterprise by staff.
Results. We believe that the most difficult part of the security system of enterprises is the person, and it is the human factor that can have a critical impact on the success of the business and the very existence of the business object. Personnel security occupies a leading place in the structure of economic security. It can be defined as the process of preventing potential and real risks associated with personnel, as a set of actions and relationships of personnel, in which the effective economic functioning of the enterprise, its ability to withstand internal and external influences and threats associated with personnel.
Conclusions. The category of “personnel security” of the enterprise, its components and areas of support are currently a very complex and insufficiently studied industry. The proposed classification categories do not claim to be complete. In particular, it is necessary to determine the weight of each such component for the economic security of the enterprise. No less interesting is the study of the relationship between the components of personnel security, between personnel and other types of economic security. Given the significant (and possibly decisive) impact of personnel security on the economic functioning of enterprises, it is advisable to continue research in this direction.
Keywords: personnel security; stages of personnel security; staffing system; loyalty system.
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Received: 10 November 2020
How to quote this article? |
Kurepin V. (2020). Personnel Security as an Integral Part of Economic Security at Agricultural Enterprises. Modern Economics, 24(2020), 94-99. DOI: |