JEL Classification: A22; B27; F02
Hrytsyna L. A., Ph.D (Economics), Associate professor, Associate professor of International Economic Relations Department, Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Rozhok T. V., Master of the Department of International Economic Relations, Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Introduction. The article deals with the positions of Ukraine in global ratings. The changes of its position in comparison with the past years and the reasons of such changes are researched. It was determined that the decline of the country’s position in international ratings is associated with an unstable political, economic and social situation.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the positioning of Ukraine in international rankings in order to comprehensively assess the current state of socio-economic development of the country and determine its future development prospects.
Results. Modern processes of the development of the world economic system are connected with the integration and interdependence of economies, which actualizes the problems of the competitiveness of countries involved in international processes. An important indicator of the state of the country’s economy is the definition of the international economic rating, that is, the position of the world in terms of competitiveness, investment attractiveness, economic freedom, overall economic potential, etc.
The change in the rates of international economic ratings reveals economic changes in the country in terms of independent assessment. An analysis of the dynamics of indicators of international economic ratings enables to determine certain regularities, as well as problems in the current state of the economy of the country.
It is analyzed that Ukraine has improved its position in terms of economic indicators, namely the global index of innovations and the index of ease of doing business. However, the country’s situation has worsened with such military indicators as the global indicator of peace and the global index of terrorism. Among the social indicators, positive changes are observed in the indicators of health and primary education and the index of democracy. However, such indicators as the gender gap index, welfare index, English language index and the human capital index, showed a loss of position.
Conclusions. The analysis showed that in comparison with 2013, in 2017, Ukraine has improved its position by economic indicators, namely: on the global index of innovations and the index of ease of doing business. However, the country’s situation has worsened with such military indicators as the global indicator of peace and the global index of terrorism. Among the social indicators, positive changes are observed in the indicators of health and primary education and the index of democracy. However, there is a loss of positions according to the indicators of the gender gap index, the welfare index, the English language index and the index of human capital.
Key words: index, indicator, development, rating, Ukraine.
- Sushko, K. V. (2017), Mistse Ukrainy v globalnyh ekonomichnyh reytyngah [The place of Ukraine in global economic ratings], Mukachiv, Ukraine.
- Shtuler, I. O. (2016), Suchasni tendentsii pozytsiyuvannya Ukrainy v svitovyh reytungah v umovah tsyklichnyh kolyvan ekonomiky [Modern tendencies of positioning of Ukraine in world rankings in conditions of cyclical fluctuations of economy], 2nd ed., Ukraine.
- Index of ease of doing business (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 22 May 2018).
- Global innovation index (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 22 May 2018).
- Paying taxes (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 22 May 2018).
- Global enabling trade index (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 22 May 2018).
- Index of economic freedom (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 22 May 2018).
- Global Peace Index (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 22 May 2018).
- Global terrorism index (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 22 May 2018).
- Health and education index (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 24 May 2018).
- Gender gap index (2017), available at: (Accessed 24 May 2018).
- Global democracy index (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 24 May 2018).
- Prosperity index (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 24 May 2018).
- Зв’язок між рівнем англійської та економічним зростанням (2017), available at: (Accessed 24 May 2018).
- Index of English language knowledge (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 24 May 2018).
- Human capital index (2013; 2017), available at: (Accessed 24 May 2018).