Shcherbina Y., assistant of the Department of Finance, banking and insurance, the Nikolaev national agrarian University, Nikolaev, Ukraine
Mankuta, A., scientific degree applicant higher education accounting and Finance faculty, Mykolayiv national agrarian University, Nikolaev, Ukraine
The article studies the essence of the category “value added tax”, which is defined as an indirect tax included in the price of goods, works and services. Defines the role of the above mentioned tax revenues of the State budget of Ukraine. We investigated the dynamics of VAT revenue in the budget of Ukraine. The advantages and disadvantages of indirect tax. It is established that the financial system, covering relations on the accumulation and use of financial resources of the state, needs reform the most important components related to forming the budget and extra-budgetary funds. Given that the main source of formation of a profitable part of budgets in Ukraine there are taxes, regulatory issues related to taxation are among the most relevant. Given that the main source of formation of a profitable part of budgets in Ukraine there are taxes, regulatory issues related to taxation are among the most relevant. That is why at the present stage of tax reform are Central to the processes of improvement of market relations. With this in mind, great importance is the process of restructuring the tax system of Ukraine, the analysis of features of legal regulation of taxes and fees. An effective taxation system is an integral part of the economic complex of any modern state. After all, taxes are not only the main source of budget revenue, but also a powerful regulator of social proportions, the guarantor of social protection of citizens and the creation of a modern material basis of the sovereignty of the state and local governments.
Key words: taxes, State budget of Ukraine, tax revenues, value added tax, the tax rate.
JEL classification: H 30; H 60, H 72.
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