JEL Classification: O 18. | DOI: |
Andrusyak Natalia, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Cherkassy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Cherkassy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8939-7750
e-mail: а
Priorities for Ensuring the Ecological and Economic Competitiveness of the Regions
Abstract. Introduction. The ability of a region’s economy to function effectively in harmony with the ecosystem shapes its potential for further development and, accordingly, is an element of its competitiveness. The main trends in the development of the economy of the regions of Ukraine indicate the further irrational use of their natural resource potential. On the one hand, there is an imbalance in their use, and on the other – there is a need to develop programs and mechanisms for attracting natural resources to economic circulation on the basis of an ecological and economic approach. The overexploitation of certain types of natural resources requires a revision of the priorities for their use in the industries of the region and the development of clear strategies for managing regional development.
Purpose. The article analyzes the main components of ecological and economic competitiveness of regions, which can be recognized as the main priorities of their development. The author substantiates the key blocks of management of ecological and economic competitiveness of the region, which include environmental management, financial and credit mechanisms, environmental audit and environmental marketing.
Results. It is substantiated that ecological and economic competitiveness is ensured by the development of the ecological component and the economic part in their mutual combination. This is ensured through the innovative development of production processes, ecosystem restoration processes and the structuring of management institutions and tools that will be applied in this process. The key parameters of an ecologically positive image of a region should be indicators of its competitiveness growth taking into account environmental factors.
The ecological criteria of regional competitiveness serve as an important component of the integral indicator of the competitiveness of territorial units of micro and meso levels. The development of such criteria depends on the understanding of the region as a micro-state structure, territorial system formation and quasi-corporation. The first one involves the search for criteria of environmental competitiveness in the system of indexing the environmental sustainability of a territory, the effects of equity funds on environmental sustainability and competitiveness. The second approach appears to be a significant reduction of the first, when specific positions of regions are determined on the basis of anthropogenic transformation factor. When perceiving a region as a quasi-corporation, it is advisable to base the model on the regional economic complex as a set of four interacting blocks.
Conclusions. The result of such interaction is the environmental parameters of competitiveness of opportunity, which are manifested in the technologies of production, financing and sale of products.
Keywords: ecology; economy; competitiveness; region; development; management.
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Received: 10 August 2019
How to quote this article? |
Andrusyak N., (2019). Priorities for Ensuring the Ecological and Economic Competitiveness of the Regions. Modern Economics, 16(2019), 6-10. DOI: |