JEL Classification: Н70.
Kostovyat A., lecturer of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Uzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
Priority directions of strategic management development in Ukraine
Abstract. The article deals with the features of strategic priorities reflection of socio-economic development in the country, needs for strategic planning and strategic management as a holistic process in the system of the national economy management.
Currently, economic cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the context of our country’s interests can be characterized as highly pragmatic. As a result, partners from the European side are carefully contemplating certain reforms that bring changes in a “positive / negative” way in the context of economic times, the regeneration of mechanisms for state regulation of the domestic economy, the legal political sector, the medical sphere, the educational sphere, the AIC, etc.
The basis of sustainable development is the inalienable human right to life and full development. In economically developed European countries, its own model of economy has been developed, the formation of which took place under the influence of historical traditions and taking into account the national specifics of the business environment.
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to consider proposals for planning a strategy for improving the efficiency of the state economy, seeing the experience of the EU.
Results. Recently, the problems of economic and social development strategic planning of territories are becoming more and more urgent. In the writings of scientific schools of different regions representatives in the country presented the study of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of strategic planning at different levels of economic management. V. Tertikch explores the problems of state planning and forecasting in Ukraine, introducing processes of strategic planning and forecasting in the practice of executive bodies, foreign experience in the mentioned problems and issues [2].
Among foreign researchers, works are devoted to strategic management and management G. Mintzberg, I. Ansoff [1, 3], and others. Despite the sufficient number of scientific papers on strategic planning, the system of strategic planning in the European Union remains largely unresolved.
The modern methodology of strategic management associates data from schools with ten basic approaches to the same name that are used in the design and development of the strategy.
Since the essence of the theory of strategic management consists in the partial withdrawal of managers from managerial rationalism, from the initial assertion that the success of an enterprise is determined primarily by the rational internal organization of production, reducing costs by identifying internal reserves, increasing productivity and reducing the losses of all kinds of resources.Here, the interaction of a huge number of differently directed factors of the external economic environment must be taken into account. I. Ansoff defines strategic planning in conjunction with planning the capabilities of management and management of the overall process of strategic change, as strategic management.
Conclusins. Now the state is under a complex transformation, burdened with internal problems (emigration crisis, the economic crisis is on the verge of default, currency imbalances, conflicts between the EU institutions and individual Member States, sentiment in the East and in particular the external debt), suffers from a lack of unity.
As we can see from the experience of EU development strategies, it can be argued that there are currently no specific standards for the structure and content of a document that formulates a vision for a country’s development. Yes, there are recommendatory documents that outline approaches to developing strategies, including SMART application! approach (the name is an acronym requirements for the formation of a set of strategic objectives: Specific, Measurable Achi evable, Realistic, Timebound [9]).
Regarding zavershayuchy current strategy “Europe 2020” which is based on all the EU Member States first tried to accelerate out of the crisis to bring each country to sustainable and inclusive economy, with a great future nano-techno-intelligence that expand high standards in the industry especially technology. However, the model of strategic planning of the European Union, as set out in the strategy “Global Europe 2050” provides a systemic vision of possible ways to develop the European Union, based on analytical studies.
Thus, the state should take into account international experience on strategic development and thus consider all internal weaknesses / strengths to lead “with shock” the economy while developing strategies to overcome (return) foreign debt and seeing the lowest number of problems in different areas spheres of state regulation in the economy.
Keywords: strategic management; strategic planning; priorities; socio-economic development; national economy.
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