JEL Classification: O13; O18; Q10; Q19 |
DOI: |
Shevchenko Alіsa, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprises, Odessa State Agrarian University, Odessa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3581-7884
e-mail: alіsochka1978@gmaі
Petrenko Olga, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprises, Odessa State Agrarian University, Odessa, Ukraіne
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9722-3785
Biraghova Oksana, master of specialty 051 “Economics, Odessa State Agrarian University, Odessa, Ukraine
Production Potential of Agricultural Enterprises Under Conditions of Uncertainty
Abstract. Introduction. At the current stage of the development of the economy of Ukraine, the effective activity of agricultural enterprises is important, the effectiveness of which is connected with the timely provision of all necessary production resources. The events of recent years force farmers to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty, when there are several options for the development of events. Agricultural enterprises work in difficult conditions of underutilization of production capacities, insufficient staffing and face other negative factors. Forecasting activities in conditions of uncertainty and randomness are always associated with risks for agricultural enterprises.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of production potential of agricultural enterprises and identify modern challenges in conditions of uncertainty.
Results. The study revealed the main challenges expected in the near future for agricultural enterprises, namely: labor shortage, rising prices and limited access to resources, shortage of animal feed. According to the results of the SWOT analysis, taking into account the modern military conflict and the complex geopolitical problem, the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses for the sustainable development of agricultural enterprises are determined. Key aspects of support to the agricultural sector are outlined, such as: vertical integration, financial support, extension and training, worker safety.
Conclusіons. On the basis of the conducted research, it was determined that the production potential of agriculture is a key aspect for ensuring sustainable development and the efficiency of the functioning of agricultural enterprises; the military conflict and its consequences, such as the blockade of seaports and constant shelling, significantly affected the agricultural sector of Ukraine, which led to difficulties in foreign trade, disruption of logistics and access to resources; assessment of risks and uncertainties requires a systematic approach and development of risk management strategies.
Keywords: production potential; agricultural enterprises; risk; uncertainty; opportunities; threats; strengths; weaknesses.
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Received: 09 October 2023
How to quote this article? |
Shevchenko A., Petrenko O., Biraghova O. (2023). Production Potential of Agricultural Enterprises Under Conditions of Uncertainty. Modern Economics, 41(2023), 156-162. DOI: |