JEL Classification: I31; J23; J43; O15; O18 |
DOI: |
Larysa Chornobay, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Public Administration, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University», Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5122-1485
Iryna Mushenyk, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Academic Writing, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University», Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4379-7358
Prospects for Comprehensive Development of Rural Areas
Abstract. Introduction. In the conditions of modern challenges and threats, ensuring the integrated development of rural areas, aimed at creating jobs, improving infrastructure and living conditions of the rural population, is a strategic goal under the conditions of partnership of community members, businesses and local government bodies. Comprehensive development of rural areas aimed at stable development of agricultural production, improvement of living and working conditions of the rural population, preservation of the natural environment is a major component in the development of the agricultural sector of the country’s economy.
Purpose. Formulated and substantiated scientific provisions, conclusions and practical recommendations are the basis of increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of rural territorial communities based on the complexity of economic, social, ecological and institutional development.
Results. It was determined that the comprehensive development of rural areas is a process of stable functioning of rural territorial communities through ensuring the effective development of economic, social, ecological, settlement components based on the use of local resources (labor, land, water, forest, mineral, etc.). It was established that the main directions of ensuring the development of rural areas are the development of agricultural production, the organization of enterprises for the processing of agricultural products and local raw materials, and the production of food products, biofuel, building materials, etc. Agricultural service cooperatives should become important elements of the rural economy. Indicators of the effectiveness of integrated development of rural areas can be: increase in the efficiency of agricultural production; diversification of the rural economy; food security of the country; natural growth of the rural population; raising the level and quality of life in the countryside; improvement of soil fertility and ecological situation in rural territorial communities.
Conclusions. The basis of the comprehensive multifunctional development of rural areas is the diversification and modernization of the rural economy, the development of non-agricultural activities that will qualitatively change the rural environment, expand the scope of employment as the main condition for the establishment of youth in the countryside and the preservation of the labor potential of rural territorial communities.
Keywords: rural areas; integrated development; decentralization; sustainable development; economic development; social infrastructure; ecological development; institutional development.
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Received: 10 November 2022
How to quote this article? |
Chornobay L., Mushenyk I. (2022). Prospects for comprehensive development of rural areas. Modern Economics, 36(2022), 152-157. DOI: |