JEL Classification: Z32, R11 |
DOI: |
Pavliuk Svitlana, PhD (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Hotel and Catering Industry and Business Organization, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9093-5237
Prospects of Development of Green Tourism are for a Regional Tourist Market
Introduction. The sector of tourism and renovation is one of the trendiest directions of social and economic development of rural areas. It is generally maintained, that green tourism increases the motivation of the rural nontraditional territorial communities in the development of social infrastructure and the creation of new workplaces. For this, tourism could promote the application of new unconventional forms of entrepreneurial activity. It opens new potential possibilities, such as assists the filling of local budgets, effective use of resources, increase a profit of the population, development of social infrastructure, the origin of alternative forms of employment and entrepreneurial activity, increase the prestige of rural.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is the research of terms and processes of development of green tourism, and to his influence on a regional tourist market, especially in a part of local economic development of territorial communities.
Results. Cultural and natural resources are an extremely main part of world tourism. Furthermore, this is a significant type of support. The analysis of the terms allows us to set that unfortunately, the attempt at the legislative level to give legal determination by a concept «green tourism», «ecological tourism» or «rural tourism» remained not executed. Besides, the world’s society uses the name of «geotourism». It is believed, that tourism could support or improve the geographical character of the environment. Moreover, it is based on principles, for instance, ecological responsibility (maintenance of resources and bio variety), cultural responsibility (devotion and respect are to local originality and inheritance), and synergy (association of all elements of geographical features for creation of tourist experience, what richer, than the sum of his parts, and attractive for visitors with different interests). Ukraine has great possibilities for the development of rural green tourism, in particular, as well as the Mykolaiv region.
Conclusions. Taking everything into account, green tourism could provide local economic development of territorial communities. Firstly, the government must improve the laws for the green tourism sphere. Also, we need to set forth the main principles of politics there. Secondly, society should pay attention to the development of green tourism, especially for local farms or personal peasant farms. Because of them have possibilities and prospects for its development. Thirdly, society should use the innovations, which could increase the amount of tourist service. In practice, it could be gastronomy, traditional rural tourism, air therapy, in civilized manner-ethnographic measures, and so on. Apart from this, local inhabitants could create the thematic villages as a regional brand. There are some examples of this – production of the special product, which is typical for local territory, or organization of unique festivals, and even production of hand-made souvenirs. Finally, local rural inhabitants should implement the unconventional ideas of evolution of the rural communities.
Keywords: green tourism; regional tourist market; tourism infrastructure; rural areas; territorial community.
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Received: 03 March 2021