JEL Classification: Е69, F01, F20, F21, F23.
Lytvynenko Kristina, student of master’s degree, faculty of management, specialty: management, University of customs and finance, Dnipro, Ukraine
Kolyada Svitlana, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department of management, management of foreign economic activity, University of customs and finance, Dnipro, Ukraine
Introduction. At present, transnational corporations (TNCs) are leading the world economy. Each year, the number of TNCs increases, which increases their share in the global economy as a whole. The largest investment projects in the world are concentrated in such corporations, which are a major impetus for the development of countries in which all the capacities of transnational corporations are located. Through the structure of TNCs there are financial and commodity flows that are crucial for the development and improvement of the world economy. The above shows that the study and further research of transnational corporations in the globalization processes is an actual topic of the present.
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to study the peculiarities and trends of the activities of transnational corporations in the conditions of globalization of the world economy.
Results. The basis of the new global economic system are TNCs that have large financial resources, implement advanced technologies, have significant spatial markets and conduct an active, globally, investment policy.
Conclusions. A transnational corporation is part of the world economy, which is subject to the laws of the development of TNCs and reflects the reciprocal impact on the world economy, a product of globalization processes. The direct relationship between TNCs and the process of globalization comes from the study of the stages of the evolution of transnational corporations.
The role of TNCs in the modern world is intensifying, in this connection, the role of national economies is falling, which leads to a conflict of interest between multinational corporations and states. Such conflicts can have a bad effect on the state of the economy and the stability of the state. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the activities of TNCs.
Modern activity of transnationalization has acquired many new features, it can affect not only the world economy, but also the country’s economy, the placement of the parent corporation. The prospect of our further research is to analyze the positive and negative impact of TNCs on the national economy and the recommendations for regulating their activities.
Keywords: transnationalization, transnational corporations, globalization processes, globalization.
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