Ushkarenko Jullia, Doctor of Economics, Professor, The Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Kherson state university, Kherson, Ukraine
Solovyov Andrew, Candidate of economy science, Associate Professor, The Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management, Kherson state university, Kherson, Ukraine
The activity of cooperative enterprises that occurs in a certain institutional environment and is defined as a set of basic social, political, legal and economic norms as part of human behavior is considered. It has been established that institutions influence the functioning of cooperatives by influencing the costs of exchange and production. Together with technology, they determine the transaction and transformation costs that make up the total costs. The research focuses on cooperative enterprises, as targeted entities designed to maximize income or achieve a goal defined by the opportunities created by the institutional structure. The study proved the existence of cooperatives advantages in competitiveness in comparison with enterprises of other forms of ownership. It has been established that the advantages of cooperative ownership over other forms of ownership are not in technology, in technology, or in the qualifications of cooperators. The main advantage of cooperatives over traditional capitalist firms is the increased motivation of the members of the cooperative. To establish this, a transactional analysis of cooperative ownership was carried out.
Keywords: agricultural production structure, cooperative, institutions, institutional environment, transaction.
JEL classification: J 54; Q 13.
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