JEL Classification: J1; J11; J2; J21. | DOI: |
Minkovskaya A., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Accounting, Taxation and Management of Financial and Economic Security, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9414-4210
Security of Labor Resources and their Impact on the Economic Activity of the Eastern Region
Abstract. Introduction. Due to a demographic crisis and in the light of recent events in eastern Ukraine, the search for ways to restore and develop labor potential is especially relevant. Today, a new regional policy, the general scientific and practical activities of the region’s administrative and production structures aimed at further developing the labor potential of enterprises with various forms of ownership based on monitoring the effectiveness of the formation and use of human resources in the region are needed.
Purpose. Investigation of the availability and level of the use of region’s labor resources using the integral indicator and determining the factors that influence their status.
Results. An analysis of the availability and level of the use of region’s labor resources consists of a system of interconnected and successive stages that mutually condense each other. That is, depending on the results obtained in the previous stages, the need for subsequent ones is determined. In order to ensure the reliability of the assessment of labor potential, we propose using an integral indicator, which we will determine by the methodology for calculating the normative multidimensional weighted. The calculation of the integrated indicator of the use of labor potential of the Eastern region shows that the most effective use of labor potential is in Kharkiv region, in the second place is Dnipropetrovsk region and in the third is Zaporizhzhia. It should be noted that the range of the integral indicator differences of the use labor efficiency of the regions of the Eastern region is low.
It should be noted that in rural areas the level of the use of labor potential in Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhya regions is lower than the average for all industries. The high level of the use of labor potential in Kharkiv region is caused by the developed processing industry. The effectiveness of the use of labor potential of the region depends on the performance of each subsystem operation, and that, as far as it is integrated throughout the economic system. Factors affecting the state of labor resources include: the existence of a strategy for developing the labor potential of the region; the economic level of the region’s development and the cost of the national labor force; the existence of a lifelong learning system, in particular for adults, aimed at extending their productive employment; outflow of able-bodied population and youth; conducting systematic analysis of the structure of employees in the labor market; balance of labor supply and demand; enhancing the prestige of low-skilled but socially necessary work; conformity of vocational training of employees to the demanding requirements of the labor market.
Conclusions. The recognition of the potentially necessary workforce is practically determined “on the result achieved”, and the effectiveness of human activity is determined by its product of material value as a direct interdependence between the quantitative composition of workers with their security practices and agricultural output is the determining factor in the optimization value in using the labor potential of agriculture. The state of the agricultural labor market can be characterized as a result of a sequential process of absorption by skilled labor unskilled with a sharp expression of the imbalance between the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the price of labor. The decisive importance here is acquired by the professionalism of the workforce in creating certain opportunities in obtaining material wealth, both personal and public. Taking this approach into account is an important condition for the formation of the labor potential of agriculture, and its activation becomes a strategic direction for increasing production efficiency.
Keywords: labor resources, factors, potential, reproduction of labor potential, level of use of labor resources, efficiency, remuneration.
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Received: 17 October 2019
How to quote this article? |
Minkovskaya A., (2019). Security of Labor Resources and their Impact on the Economic Activity of the Eastern Region. Modern Economics, 17(2019), 147-152. DOI: |