JEL Classification: I38. | DOI: |
Diuk A., PhD (Economics), Department of Еconomics, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6480-0558
Social Entrepreneurship as an Innovative Form of Business Organization
Abstract. Introduction. The theoretical principles of defining the characteristics and essence of social entrepreneurship as a special phenomenon are revealed in the article. The general features and features of social entrepreneurship as an innovative form of business organization are characterized. The definitions of social entrepreneurship in accordance with the practice of social management and theory and the importance of the classical form of entrepreneurship in the construction of an entrepreneurial system for solving social problems of society have been added.
The purpose of the article is to determine theoretical and methodological characteristics of social entrepreneurship as an innovative form of business organization.
Research methodology. Argumentation of theoretical propositions and conclusions obtained that form a set of methodological improvements on the general features and features of social entrepreneurship as an innovative form of business organization. Accordingly, in the study of the theoretical foundations of the criteria and features of attributing business to the category “social” used historical and economic method, monographic, abstract-logical, method of comparative analysis, generalizations.
Results. The following were noted: criteria and attributes of the classification of entrepreneurship as “social”, examples of social enterprises of world and national scale were systematized; factors of organizational and innovative promotion of social entrepreneurship development as a special form of business. The overall mission and organizational forms of social entrepreneurship as a mechanism for implementing sustainable development principles are presented.
Conclusions. The results obtained can be used to improve the methodological foundations of creating social enterprises, which are characterized by unconventional ways and the effectiveness of participation in the creation of social wealth, which also manifests its specificity as a form of association of people, ideas, resources, intellectual capital.
Keywords: entrepreneurship; enterprise; social entrepreneurship; innovative forms of business organization; social utility; profitability.
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Received: 03 October 2019
How to quote this article? |
Diuk A., (2019). Social Entrepreneurship as an Innovative Form of Business Organization. Modern Economics, 17(2019), 86-93. DOI: |