JEL Classification: Q15, Q24, Q57, R14 |
DOI: |
Makarova Viktoriia, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Marketing and logistics Department, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1076-9246
Mykhaylov Andrii, Doctor of Economics, Professor, The Head of the Management Department, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0872-2334
Soil Fertility as a Criterion of Value Classification of Agricultural Land
Annotation. Introduction. Soil fertility is the most important parameter that reflects the ecological condition of agricultural land. The complex of interconnected and interdependent properties that determines the natural fertility has certain differences on different types of soils. The constitutional properties of soils are practically not subject to significant changes in relatively short periods of time, while the dynamic-functional ones are quite variable under the influence of anthropogenic factors. In this regard, they have a different impact on the formation of the value of agricultural land. Price is the quantitative equivalent of assessing the right to own or use land resources, and value is an integrated indicator that determines both the set of properties of land resources and their qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Therefore, taking into account the fertility of land as a criterion for the value classification of agricultural land is beyond doubt.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to prove the importance of determining the value of land classification taking into account the fertility of the soil. In this article the presentation of proposals for predictive modeling of land relations is showed.
Results. Humus is an essential organic element in which the main nutrients for crops are formed and stored, and therefore humus most accurately characterizes one or another type of productive agricultural soil. It is caused due to the deficit of humus balance in the soil that the value equivalent of agricultural lands significantly decreases. The disproportionate actions of man year by year lead to the transformation of the qualitative properties of productive soils with the loss of significant particles of humus. Direct impoverishment of lands occurs due to insufficient application of organic fertilizers, excessive plowing of rural landscapes, neglect of field crop rotations, and excessive removal of nutrients by commercial crops, reduction of organic residues entering the soil, etc.
Conclusions. Genetic classification of land by origin, properties and characteristics is a platform for combining their value equivalent with certain rules and regulations of sustainable productive land use. Based on this, it is appropriate to define the “genetic approach” as a way to study certain phenomena, based not only on the analysis of their genesis, but also on the features of dynamic development associated with the manifestation of ecological and economic transformations in agricultural land use.
Keywords: land quality; soil fertility; humus; agricultural land use system; organic products; agricultural soil groups.
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Received: 21 October 2020
How to quote this article? |
Makarova V., Mykhaylov A. (2020). Soil Fertility as a Criterion of Value Classification of Agricultural Land. Modern Economics, 23(2020), 108-113. DOI: |