JEL Classification: D83; L83; M30; M31 |
DOI: |
Ohiienko Alona, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5427-7978
e-mail: ogienko_alе
Specific Marks of Tourist Classification Regional Aspect
Abstract. The article analyzes the classification features of tourism. The purpose of the study is to summarize and systematize the classification of species and forms of tourism and to identify their use and integration into economic activity at the regional level. Scientists’ interpretations of this issue are investigated, theoretical approaches to their essence and content are specified. Advantages and disadvantages in the researched works of scientists are revealed, own developments, researches, interpretations of weight of constituents of structure of classification of species and forms of tourism are presented. It is argued that in the conditions of rapid transformation of the tourist services markets, new types and forms of tourist activity are emerging, the classification of tourism types also requires constant monitoring and transformation, so the presented form of classification cannot be considered final. Classification types of tourism, which are introduced in the Mykolayiv region, are revealed, and solutions for improving and expanding innovative strategic types are proposed. Increasing their importance in the overall structure will allow to obtain synergy of economic development of tourist potential of the region. According to the authors, a promising direction of tourism development is event tourism, the development of which intensifies the growth of tourist potential of the region. The authors stated that for different regions of Ukraine there are regional types of tourism depending on the availability of different tourist potential. On the example of the Mykolaiv region, widespread types of tourism are presented taking into account the innovative strategic development of the region. It is claimed that the development of event tourism is promising, and its extended classification is given. Festival movement is actively developing, in the framework of the strategic development of Mykolayiv during 2016-2020 a number of image events (festivals, competitions, etc.) have been conducted, which helps to increase the tourist attractiveness of the region, increase tourist flows and overcome seasonal fluctuations. In recent years, the number of gastronomic events held in the region has increased, which is an important component of the sustainable development of the tourism sector in the Mykolayiv region, capable of generating significant economic and social payments for participants in the tourism market, and local food, and beverage producers.
Keywords: tourism; classification; event tourism; gastronomic tourism; regional development.
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Received: 12 March 2020
How to quote this article? |
Ohiienko, A. (2020). Specific marks of tourist classification regional aspect. Modern Economics, 20(2020), 167-174. DOI: |