JEL Classification: O40.
Zakcharchenko Lolita, PhD (Economics), Professor of the Department of Enterprise Economics and Corporate Governance, Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications the name of A. C. Popov, Odessa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8771-2729
Hazrat Mohammad, postgraduate student of the Department of Enterprise Economics and Corporate Governance, Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications the name of A. C. Popov, Odessa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5681-2209
Grigoriev Maxim, master of the Department of Enterprise Economics and Corporate Governance, Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications the name of A. C. Popov, Odessa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4175-5058
Strategic Directions of Formation of the Information Potential Enterprises in the Conditions Digital Economy
Abstract. Introduction. The formation of a digital economy in which the spread of the implementation of information and communication technologies by enterprises affects the increase in the efficiency of their activities becomes a strategic direction for the development of countries. The formation of a powerful information potential of an enterprise on the basis of the implementation of information technologies in all processes of its activities is aimed at solving the problems of ensuring the sustainable development of enterprises in the digital economy.
Purpose. The study addresses the following objectives: identifying trends in the development of the digital economy and the state of development of the communicational and informational sphere, substantiating the essence and components of the information potential of an enterprise, determining basic measures to ensure the effectiveness of the formation of the information potential of an enterprise.
Results. The work identifies trends and priorities in the development of information and telecommunications in the formation of the digital economy and defines the dynamics of the development of its main indicators. On the basis of the analysis, the essence of the information potential of the enterprise is revealed, its role and importance in ensuring the effective development of the enterprise in the digital economy is determined. The main components of the information potential are identified. The weak sides of the formation of the information system of modern enterprises are highlighted. A number of measures are proposed to ensure the effectiveness of the formation of the information potential of an enterprise, which includes the creation of an information system, providing it with qualified personnel, ensuring information security, creating new digital products and services, digitizing marketing processes, introducing modern business intelligence technologies, working with big data and others.
Conclusions. It has been determined that the information potential of an enterprise represents the unity of organizational, technical and informational capabilities that contribute to the preparation and adoption of management decisions and influence its development. It is proved that the information potential determines the unity of the program-technical, personnel, information (database), organizational, legal and legal components. The paper identifies the main measures to ensure the effectiveness of the information potential of the enterprise.
Keywords: strategic directions; information potential; digital economy; enterprise development.
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Received: 14 November 2018
How to quote this article? |
Zakcharchenko, L., Hazrat, M. & Grigoriev, M. (2018). Strategic Directions of Formation of the Information Potential Enterprises in the Conditions Digital Economy. Modern Economics, 12, 93-99. DOI: |