JEL Classification: F6; Q01; R11.
Huba M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Рrofessor, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6624-9074
Kartashova O., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Рrofessor, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9692-7032
Barsuk Y., Postgraduate Student, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, Ukraine
Sustainable development managing on the basis of the green economy
Abstract. The article analyzes the approaches to the definition of global indicators of the development of the country’s economies and their use to determine the impact of the factors of the “green economy” on sustainable development. The analytical review of the approaches was carried out before the definition of the “green economy”, the main directions of the use of this term are given and the scope of its application. The assessment of competitiveness and innovative development of the Ukrainian economy is based on international ratings: the global competitiveness index, the index of economic freedom, the index of ease of doing business, the index of perception of corruption, the index of human development, the index of knowledge economy, the global index of innovations. The analysis of the transformation of employment in Ukraine is presented in these ratings and how they affect the “green economy”. The modern system of planning and forecasting in Ukraine is considered to be relevant to the current state of transformation of the economy, as well as the green transformation of the economy, which affects: creation of efficient and least costly capacious and resource-intensive sectors of the economy, new commodity markets and new jobs; introduction of modern energy-efficient technologies, innovation activity; increase of labor productivity and competitiveness of the business at the expense of efficient use of energy, resources and minimization of waste volumes. The use of models of economic growth, reflecting the close relationship between the economy, the natural environment and the quality of life of the population, promotes the adoption of the most grounded policy decisions for the sustainable development of national economies. The economy of inclusive transformation is an important factor in providing a new dynamics of development based on sustainable production and consumption patterns. The potential for the development of a “green economy” in Ukraine is, first of all, renewable energy, energy efficiency and organic agriculture.
Keywords: “green economy”; competitiveness; innovative development; development level indices; international ratings.
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Received: 09 December 2018
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Huba, M., Kartashova, O. & Barsuk, Y. (2018). Sustainable development managing on the basis of the green economy. Modern Economics, 12, 53-60. DOI: |