Chmut Anna, Candidate of economics Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of economic theory, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine
The article proves the necessity new concepts and use of a new conceptual apparatus Based on recent research determined that the concept of “harmonization” in the sphere of economic activity was paid little attention. Сoncepts of “harmony” and “harmonization” are considered. approaches to determining the economic harmonization different scientists are considered. Harmonization as an economic category are defined. Presented semantic range of the category of “harmonization” – optimization, equilibrium, balance, unification. Еxamined the object of the harmonization process. It was determined that harmonization is the dominant category with respect to the quality, effectiveness, efficiency. Сharacterized the principle of “golden proportions” and the concept of a harmonized management.
Keywords: harmony, harmonization, alignment of interests, economic activity, balanced economy.
JEL classification: E 61.
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