Oliinyk O., Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Enterprise Economics, Ivan Ogienko Kamyanets-Podilskyi National University, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
e-mail: o.s.chernuk@gmail.com
Tendencies of enterprise competitiveness
Introduction. One of major directions of features studying of enterprise economic activity, namely in the conditions of economic integration is an analysis of enterprise competitiveness. In the modern conditions a competition is the determinative of pricing, stimulus of integrative processes. It assists forcing out of ineffective enterprises production, rational use of resources, prevents the dictate of producers-monopolists in the relation to a consumer.
Purpose. The necessity of research of competitiveness of enterprise grows in the forming process of market relations creation of competition environment, one can’t do without it. In this connection a problem of strategic and tactical management to survive in market conditions appears for some organization. Decision of competitiveness problem is closely constrained with the problem of the productivity, efficiency of economic activity. It is conditioned by the increase of efficiency for enterprises competitiveness, that became the primary objective of the article.
Results. Results of competitiveness estimation of enterprise on the basis of indexes calculation showed the method of integral estimation, that a enterprise competitiveness was at medium level due to reduction of indexes of the financial state of enterprise and marketing activity.
Such results demonstrate, that it is necessary to spare an enterprise attention to such directions of competitiveness increase, as: expansion of products assortment; activation of advertisement activity in mass media; stimulation of sales is due to realization of marketing events. A timely exposure of strengths and weaknesses of enterprise drags a methodology as an important factor of increase of enterprises competitiveness.
Conclusions. Summarizing the problems of competitiveness in the period of economic integration, some solutions in relation to their overcoming and increase of enterprise competitiveness are offered.
Keywords. Competitiveness, enterprise competitiveness, level of enterprise competitiveness, estimation of enterprise competitiveness, indexes.
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Received: 31 October 2018
How to quote this article? |
Oliinyk, O. (2018). “Tendencies of enterprise competitiveness”, Modern Economics, vol. 11(2018), pp. 135-139. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V11(2018)-22. |