JEL Classification: Е10; Е20; Е23; Е44; F30; G19 |
DOI: |
Stavska Uliya, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of International Management, hotel – restaurant business and tourism, Vinnitsa National Agrarian University, Vinnitsa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2799-1556
The Impact of Globalization of the World Economy on the Development of the Financial Market
Abstract. Introduction. The article examines the impact of globalization of the world economy on the financial market. In the economic sense the globalization is reflects the growing interdependence of various sectors of the world economy, means the integration of national economies, including financial markets.
Purpose. It is proposed to consider globalization as a concept that embraces the internationalization of political, cultural and other ties. It is reasonable that the globalization of financial markets is characterized by increased capitalization, a significant redistribution of funds, an increase in the volume of cash flows, the creation of new management portfolios, and an intensification of the struggle for capital control.
Results. A brief description of the globalization of financial markets is presented, the main tendencies of its development are revealed. It has been proved that financial markets in recent years have acted as a catalyst for global economic interdependence. The influence of global processes of globalization on the national economic system of Ukraine was noted. As a whole, integration of the real sector of the economy, innovation in the field of information and communication technologies and political liberalization. It has been brought to our attention that there is an opportunity for mutual independence by developing national financial markets and equal global competitiveness. We are looking for competitiveness, that’s more and less investment in the country and that is the greater influx of capital to the local financial market. The development of the local financial market for energy on the competitive market of the country. For the global competitiveness of the competitive financial market, care for one and the other is necessary. It is need to reduce all of the indicators, how to characterize the financial market: the reliability of the banking system, the regulation of the capital market, the availability of financial resources. Activation of the financial markets of the countries of Southeast Asia and China, as well as the non competitiveness of domestic producers, critical import dependence, export-oriented model of development, the tendency of economic instability in the world, etc. have been established.
Conclusions. A positive and negative incentive has been formed in the boutiques in order to increase the global processes for the national economic system of Ukraine. From now on, having added globalization of economy to the development of financial markets, the transfer of industrial integration of financial markets, the growth of resources is reduced. It has been informed that expanding the financial flow of zoom will introduce more advanced portfolio management theories, more innovative and more competitive access to capital, and the appearance of new information technologies. The main goal of globalization of financial markets is explained – giving financial resources of absolute freedom to the core of the internal market. It has been established that the globalization of the economy will lead to the best effective business, the investment will be directed to that business, which will be less expensive. Progressively globalization of the economy of economy is brought to standardization and the unification of macroeconomic policies, to the universal policy of antitrust and agricultural policy of the country.
Keywords: globalization; financial market; investment; innovation; world economy; bank; technology; competitiveness.
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Received: 20 February 2020
How to quote this article? |
Stavska, U. (2020). The impact of globalization of the world economy on the development of the financial market. Modern Economics, 20(2020), 261-266. DOI: |