JEL Classification: М 12; М 14.
Dolha H., PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of management and tourism, Chernivtsi Institute of trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Introduction. The essence of corporate culture and its influence on personnel management of the enterprise are considered in the article. In particular, the essence of corporate culture in the personnel management system of the enterprise is determined by: universal values, the interaction of interests of staff with corporate interests; real market requirements for enterprise management and requirements for personnel, etc. It has been established that such a culture makes it possible to distinguish an organization, creates an atmosphere of identity for its members, strengthens social stability and is a controlling mechanism that directs and shapes the relations and behavior of employees.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to generalize theoretical and methodical principles and to develop scientific and practical recommendations on the impact of corporate culture on the personnel management of the enterprise.
Results. It is proved that in order to achieve the goal in the process of personnel management, the company needs to solve the following tasks: the development of a sense of belonging of the personnel to the company; encouraging the involvement of staff in joint activities for the benefit of the enterprise; strengthening the stability of the system of social relations; support of individual initiative of employees; assisting the staff in achieving personal success; creation of an atmosphere of unity of managers and personnel in the enterprise; delegation of responsibility; strengthening the corporate family, etc.
Conclusions. Conducted studies have shown that corporate culture: regulates the behavior of employees; is social, because the process of its formation is influenced by the employees of the enterprise; is multifaceted; is the result of the actions and opinions of the staff; able to change; consciously or unknowingly perceived by all employees; masses of traditions, because of a certain historical development process; and is in constant development.
Keywords: corporate culture, level of corporate culture, personnel management, personnel behavior, system of social relations; support of the individual initiative of employees, human behavior.
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