JEL Classification: Н30, Н31. | DOI: |
Kolevatova A. V., Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Mykolayiv National University named after V. Sukhomlynsky, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5035-5481
Kondratskaya K. V., student, Mykolayiv National University named after V. O. Sukhomlynsky, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2199-4521
The Role and Importance of Households Finance in Market Economy
Abstract. Introduction. In modern conditions of economic development of households have a high level of independence in the adoption of financial decisions, as well as sufficient volume of financial resources that are practically not involved in the development of investment potential of the country.
The article was considered the role and place of household finances in the market management system, different views of both domestic and foreign scientists on the essence of the concept «financial resources of households» were investigated and their own definitions were proposed. The main classification features and principles of household finances in the system of financial and economic relations of Ukraine are presented.
Purpose. Analysis of scientific approaches that take place in foreign and domestic economic literature, as well as scientific justification for the interpretation of the concept of «household finances», defining their role in the economic system of Ukraine and studying modern tendencies of development as an important component of the state financial system.
Results. A statistical assessment of the selected indicators, contributed to identifying certain problems, indicating the general imbalance of the national economic system, which naturally limits the ability of households to long-term economic behavior, and also generates jumping of consumer preferences and expectations that violate macroeconomic proportions. The resolution of this problem is possible only at the state level and requires effective managerial decisions, in particular in the areas of payment of labor, subsidisation, social insurance, taxation, lending, education, healthcare.
Conclusions. The household finances play a significant role in public playing, which consists in providing financial resources of a continuous process of recreating the workforce and creating foundations for the investment development of the national economy. Despite certain problems that exist in modern economic realities and views of individual scientists regarding the inexpediency of household finance allocation into a separate area of the financial system of Ukraine, we believe that the Treasury finances will take a significant place in its structure and carry out an active impact on the development of the national economy. This is only possible if the State has adequate attention to the problems and needs of the person as the highest value in society, its interests and freedoms.
Keywords: home improvement; household income; household expenditures; finances; household finances; financial system; financial policy.
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Received: 07 December 2019
How to quote this article? |
Kolevatova, A. & Kondratskaya, K. (2019). The Role and Importance of Households Finance in Market Economy. Modern Economics, 18(2019), 55-60. DOI: |