JEL Classification: A 20; F 02;.F 12; G 31.
Buhas Valery, Candidate of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Tourism, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine
Buhas Vasyl, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine
Lysica Rostislav, Master the Department of Management, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine
Shkurinska Caterina, Master the Department of Management, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine
The Role and Importance of Investment-Innovation Processes for Enterprises
Abstract. The investment-innovation processes are of particular importance in the countries with a market economy, one of these countries is Ukraine. Market relations, with their rigid competition, place most of the existing enterprises in the face of the need to change the production apparatus, technological changes, the introduction of competitive high-tech industries, managerial innovations through vigorous investment and innovation activities.
Purpose. Therefore, the innovative model of the economy is chosen as a strategy for state development. Today, the development of the domestic economy, increasing the competitiveness of industrial products of Ukrainian enterprises cannot be ensured without investing in the innovative sphere. Innovation processes play an important role in the successful development of enterprises and the state as a whole, because their economic and financial conditions depend on the level of these processes.
Results. The chosen theme is very relevant, significant and shows the rigidity of constant competition for the consumer and markets of products, enterprises must constantly innovate, improve and develop new products, introduce know-how and use advanced technologies, systems of management and sales of products, which brings them to a new level of development, leads the society to a growing progressive development of economics. Financing innovation gives the impetus and development of the company in the future and becomes more and more important in the market conditions of management.
Conclusions. Only such an approach will allow the country’s economy to move to high technology. We note that the level of implementation of innovations at domestic enterprises remains insufficient. Current investment and innovation activity of enterprises is presented only at the initial stage of its development, it requires the increase of state participation and support in the financial and organizational spheres.
Keywords: innovation; investment-innovation processes; innovative activity management; know-how; high-tech production; competitive struggle.
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Received: 21 November 2018
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Buhas, V., Buhas, V., Lysica, R. & Shkurinska, C. (2018). The Role and Importance of Investment-Innovation Processes for Enterprises. Modern Economics, 12, 21-25. DOI: |