JEL Classification: М31; І21 |
DOI: |
Natalia Nosan, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Civil Service, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkassy, Cherkassy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4005-8333
Sergey Nazarenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Civil Service, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkassy, Cherkassy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0432-2587
The Role of SMM as a Form of Marketing Communications of Higher Education Institutions in the Conditions of Martial Law in Ukraine
Abstract. Introduction. The dynamism of the socio-economic environment, the growing scale of globalization and informatization of social life affects all spheres of economic activity, including higher education. Nowadays institutions of higher education are experiencing structural changes in organization of educational process and establishment of communications. In addition, most domestic institutions of higher education were forced to adapt to consequences of spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine. The indicated trends determine the need to find and create opportunities to increase demand for educational services, establish communication with all participants in the educational process. Taking into account the rapid development and spread of information and communication technologies, especially among young people, the Internet and social networks are important channels of communication, that is especially relevant in today’s conditions.
Results. The article examines the importance of SMM as a marketing communications tool of higher education institution in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. There was considered and proposed the author’s interpretation of the category «social media marketing (SMM)». There was studied the situation on the market of higher education products in Ukraine, which has been formed in recent years (in particular under the influence of the pandemic and martial law). The main opportunities provided by the SMM for institutions of higher education in nowadays conditions are separated. The most effective social networks for communication creating with various target groups of domestic institutions of higher education are presented, in particular Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, LinkedIn. The level of social networks use by domestic teachers in the implementation of educational process is considered.
Conclusions. Global technological changes and new challenges in higher education create a need to find effective communication tools with the target audience. Social networks are a promising marketing channel for increasing recognition and loyalty to higher education institutions, establishing communication with the target audience.
Keywords: social media marketing; SMM; marketing; institution of higher education; social networks.
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Received: 21 March 2023
How to quote this article? |
Nosan N., Nazarenko S. (2023). The role of SMM as a form of marketing communications of higher education institutions in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. Modern Economics, 38(2023), 106-111. DOI: |