JEL Classification: О30; О31 |
DOI: |
Pizniak Dmytro, holder of the third educational and scientific level of higher education (Doctor of Philosophy), Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1822-6318
Turchina Svitlana, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3110-6647
The use of digital technologies in the process of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine
Abstract. Introduction. The article examines the use of digital technologies in post-war economic recovery in Ukraine. The relevance of this topic is evident, as the country is facing significant challenges in economic recovery because of the conflict.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to study how digital technologies can be used to transform the economy and increase its competitiveness in a short period of time. The use of digital technologies in the process of post-war recovery in Ukraine has significant potential for increasing the effectiveness of restoring the economy, social sphere, and infrastructure. The methods used in the study include analyzing the main problems to be solved in the process of economic recovery, synthesizing and grouping the information, and identifying areas where digital technologies can be effectively applied by using induction and deduction methods.
Results. The analysis results show that digital technologies can help transform the Ukrainian economy, making it more transparent, efficient, and competitive. The study emphasizes the need to transfer management processes to the standards of IT companies, where bureaucratic issues can be resolved automatically with the help of digital technologies. Moreover, the study suggests that state digital technologies can be used to solve major issues in the economic recovery process, such as systematizing recovery, allocating resources, and boosting exports.
Conclusions. The practical significance of the study is to provide recommendations to the Ukrainian government on the use of digital technologies for economic transformation. The implementation of digital tools contributes to the rapid recovery of key sectors of Ukraine’s economy. Effective use of digital technologies increases productivity, fosters innovation, and increases international competitiveness. These recommendations include ensuring the transparency of funding needs, supporting the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the IT sector, and creating industrial parks and IT zones to cluster smart solutions. Finding the right digital transformation strategy can be critical to a country’s sustainable economic and social development.
Keywords: digital technologies; IT; economic recovery; war.
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Received: 20 August 2023
How to quote this article? |
Pizniak D., Turchina S. (2023). The use of digital technologies in the process of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine . Modern Economics, 40(2023), 44-51. DOI: |