JEL Classification: А13; B13; B22. | DOI: |
Struk Nataliia, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Public Management and Administration, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Struk Taras, student, Institute of international relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The Welfare Economy of Vilfredo Pareto as a Theoretical Basis for Ensuring High Quality of Life of the Population
Abstract. Introduction. In contemporary globalized world, improving the quality of life of the population is a criterion and a prerequisite for human development. Therefore, the search and definition of possible theoretical and practical approaches to improving the quality of life of the population are relevant and perspective research.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate that the basic principles of the welfare theory of V. Pareto can be used as the theoretical basis of practical maintenance of high quality of life of the population in contemporary circumstances.
Results. The theoretical principles and principles of the welfare economy of Vilfredo Pareto are considered in the article. The possibility of using the basic principles of the Vilfredo Pareto welfare theory to ensure a high quality of life of the population is generalized and demonstrated. It is proved that according to the Pareto criterion (the criterion for the growth of societal welfare), movement towards the optimum is possible only with such a distribution of resources that increases the welfare of at least one person, while not reducing the welfare of anyone else. The model of the surface of the possibilities of utility of a society and the positioning of the pareto-optimal point, which corresponds to the maximum level of societal welfare, is proposed. It is substantiated that the optimum state of the target functions provides a balance at all markets.
Conclusions. Taking into account the latest achievements of the theory of behavioral economics, the principles and theories of the welfare economy of Vilfredo Pareto proved to have sufficient potential for rationalization and harmonization of the goals and interests of participants of market interactions with corresponding positive effects in changes of the quality of life of the population. The quality of life should become a consolidating idea in Ukraine that will enable the nation to build its own path of development, in which the ensuring of conditions for successful realization of the person will become the main criterion for evaluation of effectiveness of economic reforms.
Keywords: quality of life; welfare economy; maximization of the welfare; pareto-optimal point; principles of welfare economy; Vilfredo Pareto.
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Received: 19 January 2019
How to quote this article? |
Struk, N. & Struk, T. (2019). The Welfare Economy of Vilfredo Pareto as a Theoretical Basis for Ensuring High Quality of Life of the Population. Modern Economics, 13(2019), 233-239. DOI: |