JEL Classification: М30, М37.
Chikalova Anna, post-graduate student of the Department of Marketing, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
Theoretical and methodological bases of classical and new conceptions of communication policy of enterprise structures
Abstract. Introduction. In modern conditions of economic development of any country, the role of marketing communications involves the search for the most effective methods for their implementation, impact on the potential consumer and maximize the promotion of goods or services in the market.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to learn, analyze and generalize theoretical knowledge regarding the effective formation of the communications policy of enterprises with the subsequent practical application in the activities of enterprise structures.
Results. The article summarizes theoretical principles of the classical marketing communications policy (MCP) of enterprise structures formation. A comparative analysis of elements of communication tools has been carried out. The newest concepts of marketing communications (MC) are considered, among which the possibility of introducing such tool of marketing communications as virtual exhibitions is analyzed. The methods of optimization of communication policy (CP) of enterprise structures, the transformation of classical concepts and the development of new economic paradigms, namely: an integrated approach, marketing cooperation, relationship marketing, holistic marketing are offered.
The role of marketing communications in the current conditions of the economic development of any country is highly important, and it involves finding the most effective methods for their implementation, impact on the potential consumer and maximizing the advancement of goods or services in the market.
Conclusions. On the basis of the material, we can conclude that at present the use of individual communication policy tools is inadequate. The main emphasis should be done on integration and complexity; on formation of effective cooperation and interactions «producer – consumer»; on the efficiency and relevance of communication activities; on multi-channel influences by attracting social networks and conducting virtual exhibition activities, etc. The introduction of holistic marketing, the integration of the classical model, innovation, and innovative concepts of MCP is relevant at this stage and will contribute to a flexible response to changes in the market mechanism and the strengthening of positions in the market of goods and services.
Keywords: communication policy; business structures; theoretical foundations; promotion of goods (services); new concepts of marketing communications.
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