JEL Classification: F01; F10; M30; M31; M37 |
DOI: |
Kasianova Nataliia, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7729-2011
Miroshnykov Denys, Master’s student of the Department of Economic Cybernetics, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6351-8198
Trends of Business Advertising Development in Social Networks
Abstract. Introduction. The article examines current trends in advertising campaigns on the Internet and social networks. Social networks are seen as a tool to influence the target audience and study its benefits, growth, development of companies and expanding market share.
Studied the theory of the importance of social networks at the initial levels of small and medium business development, including in connection with the possibility of attracting the necessary financial resources and access to information of various kinds, and in the subsequent stages of development.
An analysis of examples of companies whose growth has been largely due to the integration of development strategies through social networks. The medium- and long-term prospects for the development of the advertising industry with the mass introduction of virtual and augmented reality technologies and the expansion of 5G Internet networks were considered.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the reasons for doing business on social networks, analysis of current trends in social networks, assessing the possibility of doing business and building marketing strategies through social networks.
Results. The article describes the main trends of advertising on social networks, why is it worth to run advertising campaign on social networks, describes the social network as an advertising tool, how social networks will effectively interact with the target audience and gives examples of successful projects of large companies implemented in social networks.
Were reviewed main directions of development and improvement of advertising methods in social networks, how it will happen, what is needed for this and why it is impossible to implement at this stage of development. Listed all the positive aspects that will help increase the efficiency of sales goods and services, as well as the negative aspects with the implementation of these ways.
Conclusion. Development of virtual and augmented reality and also 5G techonologies:
1.Significantly increase the perception of advertising;
2.Allows you to process large amounts of information in a short time;
3.Solve the problem of oversaturation with advertising of various sources of information (billboards, newspapers, the Internet);
4.Advertising will become more relevant and timelier;
5.Advertising will become more relevant for the user, which will increase business revenue;
6.Advertising will be less intrusive, which will increase user loyalty to it.
In the long run, the amount of data passively collected by technical devices around will increase, which will invariably affect the prospects for marketing development in general. With the expansion of Internet coverage around the world and the increasing availability of technical devices, the number of network users will increase, which will make it easier to interact with the intended target audience, change the ways of advertising and over time social networks will become its main location. Increasing the data collected will increase user loyalty and help make advertising less intrusive and more useful to each potential customer. Given advertising prices and audience reach, businesses will be more focused on developing brands on social media and marketing mostly online.
Keywords. Social networks; targeted advertising; target audience; virtual and augmented reality; 5G networks.
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Received: 06 March 2021
How to quote this article? |
Kasianova N., Miroshnykov D. (2021). Trends of Business Advertising Development in Social Networks. Modern Economics, 26(2021), 44-48. DOI: |