JEL Classification: F29; L60; O31; O50; P51.
Kravchenko Sergey, Associate Professor, PhD, Professor of the Department “Enterprise Economics”, Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk, Ukraine, Vice-President, Institute for International Cooperation Development, Poznań, Poland
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8391-0445
Ukraine’s National Innovative System in the Context of the “Quadruple Helix” Model
Abstract. Introduction. The main mechanism for transferring the national economy to the mode of intensive innovation development is an effective national innovation system (NIS) – a modern institutional model of generation, distribution and practical use of progressive innovations in all spheres of social life.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the effectiveness of the functioning of Ukraine’s NIS, taking into account its affiliation to a particular type of supranational innovation system (SNIS) in the context of the “quadruple helix” model.
Results. An alternative approach to the typology of supranational innovative systems in accordance with the concept of a four-link helix is proposed in the article. There are five basic types of SNISs: “A” – developed countries with strong Confucian and Muslim type institutions, “B” – developed countries with strong inclusive institutions, “C” – developing countries with strong Muslim and Buddhist-Hindu institutions, “D”- developed and developing countries with strong informal institutions, including post-Soviet type and “G” – developing countries with extractive type institutions. An interpretation of these types of SNIS is presented in the context of interconnected complexes of the four-level spiral: scientific and educational, socio-cultural, industrial-economic and state-political. The current state of Ukraine’s national innovation system is analyzed.
Conclusions. It was proved that Ukraine’s national innovation system is extremely ineffective not only in the global, but also in the cluster-wide sections. This necessitates the adjustment of the vector of its development, but with taking into account the belonging to a specific type of SNIS. The research results can serve as a basis for developing a set of specific measures to overcome the current negative trends in the development of Ukraine’s NIS and increase its effectiveness in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.
Keywords: national innovation system; quadruple helix model; cluster; rating.
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Received: 19 December 2018
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Kravchenko, S. (2018). Ukraine’s National Innovative System in the Context of the “Quadruple Helix” Mode. Modern Economics, 12, 112-119. DOI: |