JEL Classification: Q 19; Q 20; Q 42.
Kalyuzhna O., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Production Management and Innovation Activity of Enterprises, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Pushkarevskyi A., applicant for higher education of the Management Faculty, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Khyzhniak D., applicant for higher education of the Management Faculty, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Introduction. The article investigates the use of world experience in energy saving management and its application in agrarian enterprises of Ukraine. The experience of the USA and the EU countries is under study. Among the most complex problems of the analysis of modern economic mechanisms of energy saving are: ensuring a comprehensive approach to energy saving; analysis and evaluation of energy efficiency of leading agrarian sectors; development of recommendations for the improvement of economic structures and mechanisms of energy saving taking into account the specifics of agricultural production.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze foreign experience in the use of energy-saving technologies in agriculture and prove that the use of energy-saving technologies is an integral part of the further development of agricultural enterprises.
Results. The article presents formulation of the main tools of world practice in the field of energy saving. The main priorities of energy saving activity are defined. The production of biogas, as one of the most advanced technologies is substantiated. The use of alternative energy sources in the developed countries of the world has been studied. The expediency of introducing the latest energy saving technologies in Ukraine is proven.
Conclusions. In order to ensure sustainable development of agriculture, to strengthen the economic and technological security of the industry, it is necessary to introduce the latest progressive energy saving technologies. The use of innovations, technical and technological developments in the agrarian sector will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of its activities. At the expense of energy saving technologies, domestic agricultural production can achieve an increase in the production of gross products, improve its quality, reduce resource costs, which in turn will contribute to increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of production.
Keywords: energy saving, world experience, ecology, practice, efficiency.
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