JEL Classification: Q01; L11; L66.
Antoniuk Valentyna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Principal Researcher, Institute of Industrial Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
The goals of Ukrainian sustainable development and the role of the food industry in their achievement
Abstract. Introduction. In the article, in accordance with the goals of sustainable development of Ukraine, the role of the food industry in solving the food problem, in the economic and social development of Ukraine are analyzed. Ukraine has a well-developed food industry which satisfies domestic demand in food largely and plays a significant role in the export potential of the country. However, its technological development is lagging behind developed countries significantly. It indicates that its important role in the dynamics of socio-economic development of Ukraine in the context of global challenges has not appreciated, and in the country, there is not the active policy of ensuring its dynamic development, which necessitates a deeper study of this sphere of economic activity. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the important role of the food industry in the development of the socio-economic space of Ukraine and the achievement of the goals of sustainable development. Results. The most important role of the industry in realizing the goal of overcoming hunger is noted. It is substantiated that it is an area that provides a certain stability of the economy and living standards, satisfies the needs of the population in food, in the workplace, makes a significant contribution to GDP, the formation of the state budget and food security. The analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of the food industry showed its dynamic development and at the same time highlighted significant problems in its activities, among which: insufficient level of investment in the industry, low production efficiency and weak innovation activity, low wages of food industry employees. The priority directions of development of the food industry are defined. They concern the modernization of the material and technical base of the industry, the introduction of modern food production technologies, the formation of powerful agro-industrial clusters, the improvement of organizational forms of doing business and management practices in the agro-industrial sector. Conclusions. The priority strategic directions of the food industry development must increase the profitability of enterprises in the food industry and the level of wages for industry employees.
Keywords: the goals of sustainable development, hunger, food security, food industry, food production, agro-industrial complex.
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Received: 30 October 2018
How to quote this article? |
Antoniuk, V. P. (2018). “The goals of Ukrainian sustainable development and the role of the food industry in their achievement”, Modern Economics, vol. 11(2018), pp. 6-12. DOI: |