JEL Classification: A10, O38
Priadko I. V., Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economic Theory and International Economics, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Introduction. The development of regional innovation leads to economic growth of the region, and therefore, the state. Each separate territory has own identity, which reveals itself in the resources, personnel, favorable institutional environment, innovative infrastructure, and regional conditions. The presence of such specific features leads to the structure of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulating innovation activity, and their condition allows assessing the effectiveness of innovation regional policy implementation and the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of innovative activity regulation.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the effectiveness of the main institutional tools of Ukrainian innovation policy. The following tasks are: 1) to disclosure of the essence of existing instruments of innovation policy; 2) to conduct comparative analysis and identify among them the most effective instruments of innovation policy.
Results. The peculiarities of the functioning of scientific and technological parks as the most used instruments of innovation policy are revealed in the article. The comparative analysis of its activity is conducted. It is concluded that activity of technological parks is more protected by the state. It is highlighted that the activity of scientific parks is more responsive to changing market conditions and is able to adapt better to conditions of imperfect market competition. In addition, the essence of clusters is disclosed in the article, and a cluster map of Ukraine is presented. Technological platforms as an innovative policy tool, which is gradually gaining popularity, are considered. The main problems of the clusters and technological platforms functioning are identified. The innovative policy tools, which are more appropriate for state and regional policies implementation, are concluded.
Conclusions. On the basis of the material, we can conclude that clusters and technology platforms are most appropriate organizations that promote the development of innovation both at national level and at the regional level.
Keywords: innovation, innovation policy, state innovation policy, regional innovation policy, industrial parks, technology parks, clusters, technology platforms.
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