JEL Classification: О 13, Q 18, F 14
Kovalova O., PhD in Economics, Senior Research Fellow, National Science Center “Institute of Agrarian Economics”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Introduction. The implementation of structural policy in the agrarian sector of Ukraine’s economy was taking place a long historical period on the basis of adaptation to the market, which in the last few years also takes into account the vector of European integration of the entire economy. Scientific research of the development process of the organizational and economic environment for the implementation of structural policy in the agricultural sector is relevant in this formulation of the problem, because of the fact in which the organizational, institutional environment is undergoing economic processes – their socio-economic efficiency depends.
Purpose. The main tasks of the research are to determine the components of the organizational and economic environment, to highlight trends in the formation of the institutional environment of management in the agrarian sector of the economy.
Results. The research describes the theoretical principles of the essence and practice of the peculiarities of the organizational and economic environment development for the implementation of structural policy in the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy. The components of the organizational and economic environment are specified with specification of its elements, which ensure the rules implementation, norms for the regulation of the interaction of economic entities, as well as the implementation of the state policy regulation of the agrarian sector in modern conditions.
Conclusions. The tendencies of the institutional environment formation of management in the agrarian sector of the economy are described and the problems that are present and need to be solved systematically by strengthening the role of measures of management of the industry in coordination with self-government organizations, self-regulation.
Keywords: organizational and economic environment, structural policy, transformation, agrarian sector, production system, self-regulation.
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