JEL Classification: D 80, G 32, E 32, M 31, O 31
Timonin Oleksandr, PhD in Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Marketing, Sіmon Kusnets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Vereshchagina Ganna, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Enterprises Management and Logistics, Sіmon Kusnets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Pliekhanova Tetiana, graduate student of the Department of Economics, Enterprises Management and Logistics, Sіmon Kusnets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Abstract. Efficient development of enterprises in modern conditions is becoming increasingly relevant in connection with the political and economic situation in the country and an increase in the level of uncertainty in economic conditions. All this requires companies from different fields of business to use new approaches to doing business and look for new opportunities. Therefore, more and more enterprises are paying attention to the creation of startups, because its characteristic features allow it to function in conditions of uncertainty of the modern market.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to improve the scheme of determining the risks of launching start-ups by identifying risks with a higher impact, taking into account the dynamics of start-up development by clustering.
The authors analyze the approaches to the definition of the main stages of the development of startups, characterize the main features of the startup, consider the obstacles that lead to loss making and the subsequent elimination of the initiated startup projects, as well as schemes to determine the risks of launching startups by identifying risks with a higher level of exposure to preproject stages, startup and exit stages by clustering.
In order to identify the most important risk factors of the considered stages of development of start-ups, the authors investigated the influence of factors through expert analysis. The results of the research should be used during the formation of decisions on limiting and minimizing the influence of the factors influencing the main stages of development of the startup. In order to use the conducted research in practice it is expedient to identify the factors influencing the startup, taking into account its specificity and field of application, to evaluate their possible impact and probability of their occurrence, to choose the ways of influencing the factor and to take the planned actions.
In further research it is planned to use the obtained results to develop recommendations for the management of risks of startups, depending on the stage of its development, the degree of their impact and the extent of possible losses.
Keywords: start-up, start-up development stages, features of the startup, risk factors of the preproject stage, risk factors of the start-up stage, risk factors of the output stage.
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