Lunkina Tetyana, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Mykolayiv national agrarian university, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Vlasyuk Iryna, scientific degree applicant higher education accounting and Finance faculty, Mykolayiv national agrarian university, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) business is a fundamental prerequisite for the formation of a strategy for sustainable development. The article defines the conditions under which formed corporate social responsibility in Ukraine. The level of awareness of the concept of “social responsibility” of businesses in Ukraine. The dynamics of Ukrainian companies joining the UN Global Compact for the 2006-2015 rr. Determined existing obstacles in the development of social responsibility of Ukrainian business. The specified key recommendations, which will attract new companies to actively participate in the responsible attitude to the world, a man, а profits.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsibility, social responsibility characteristics, the domestic model of CSR.
JEL classification: А 13; I 38; M 14.
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