JEL Classification: O32, O34, O15, O31 |
DOI: |
Litvinov Oleksandr, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Enterprises Economic and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activity, Odessa National Economic University, Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1424-6904
Managerial Decision Making on the Development of Intellectual Capital of an Enterprise
Abstract. Introduction. Despite the crucial importance of intangible components in the activities of modern enterprises there is an increasing the urgency of the problem of development of methodical tools for making managerial decisions aimed at the development of intellectual capital. Herewith managerial decision-making procedure should include task setting, intellectual capital diagnostics, and formation of a set of possible and optimal management measures.
Purpose. The article is devoted to the technology of managerial decision making on the development of intellectual capital, taking into account the requirements of their economic efficiency, and paretooptimality. Practical approbation of the proposed procedure on the example of domestic industrial enterprises is a separate task of the article.
Results. The results of a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, the analysis of the efficiency of intellectual capital reproduction were taken into account. The author`s technology of managerial decision-making on the development of intellectual capital development includes 6 stages. The first stage forms target marks and budget constraints that determine direction of managerial decisions for each of the components of intellectual capital. In the third stage a number of possible management decisions is formed, which is then checked for paretooptimality. In the fifth stage, optimal managerial decisions are selected in terms of investment intensity of increasing in the level of intellectual capital development. At the last stage, the degree of achieving management targets is checked, than, if necessary, changes are made.
Conclusions. Developed technology provides consideration of the peculiarities of the internal and external environment, targets and investment opportunities of an enterprise, and also allows paretooptimal and effective managerial decision making.
Keywords: managerial decision making; intellectual capital; paretooptimality; development of intellectual capital; economic efficiency; human capital.
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Received: 07 August 2020
How to quote this article? |
Litvinov O. (2020). Managerial Decision Making on the Development of Intellectual Capital of an Enterprise. Modern Economics, 22(2020), 36-43. DOI: |