Fedorchuk Alexandr, Candidate of Economic, assistant professor of the enterprise economy, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine
The article deals with the concept, the main approaches and concepts to the understanding of the market infrastructure material and technical resources for the agrarian sector, its features and functions. Represents the necessity of national policy development for supporting the ukrainian market infrastructure material and technical resources based on analysis of economical situation of market infrastructure material and technical resources for the agrarian sector. Its strategic objectives and tactical tasks are determined. Particular attention is paid to the three segmented model the structure of the regional market of the agrarian sector increased three market-reproductive units: industrial, resource and market. It is emphasized that the available organizational and legal bases of ukrainian market infrastructure material and technical resources for the agrarian sector development will not give expected effects without working out effective economical and motivational mechanisms as well as the political will of the authorities.
Keywords: market infrastructure, lending, government support, agriculture, material and technical resources.
JEL classification: N 50; O 13; O 18.
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