JEL Classification: А13.
Hrystenko О., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Enterprises, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Krasovskaya N., Master student of the faculty of Management, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Introduction. The problem of reforming the territorial structure of Ukraine is current and significant. Although during the time of independence a number of projects have been formed, but unfortunately the problem remains unresolved. The region must not only provide benefits, but also create the necessary comfortable environment, attract the necessary resources, while ensuring their effective use, create the proper conditions for increasing socio-economic development.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the state of socio-economic development of regions and changes in the context of reforming the administrative and territorial structure, explaining the problems of the territorial structure of Ukraine, as well as the directions of its legal, democratic and economic improvement and development.
Results. The models of reforming the administrative and territorial structure (ATS), the approaches to administrative and territorial reform, as well as the stages of reforming the ATS on the basis of decentralization are explored. The ways of transformation of relations in the field of management of social and economic development between central and regional authorities are presented. The article analyzes the rating of social and economic conditions of regions of Ukraine according to certain indicators. The obstacles in the administrative and territorial reform, as well as the socio-economic and legal consequences expected during the reform, are identified.
Conclusions. One of the main problems of the regional economy is the search for options for the stability and prosperity of the socio-economic development of the territories, and overcoming and eliminating the signs of their depression. In order to do this, it is necessary to study the socio-economic consequences of the reform process. The main obstacle in overcoming the disbalanced development of the territories is the disproportionality of the administrative and territorial structure of the state, which needs to identify the well-founded ways of reforming.
Keywords: region, regionalization, socio-economic development, administrative and territorial structure, territorial administration, reform.
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