JEL Classification: E24, I25, J01, J21, J23 |
DOI: |
Chyzh Vеra, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department Accounting, Analysis and Taxation, Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6750-1120
Gavrylenko Yana, A Postgraduate Student of the Department Accounting, Analysis and Taxation, Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4122-7928
Staff Development as a Component of Management Strategy in the Information Society
Annotation. Introduction. The market economy obtains the features of information economy or knowledge economy, due to the global spread of information, telecommunications systems and technologies, the needs of society that graw in various information services. Thereafter, it highlights the problem of studying the information communications impact on all areas of economic activity. Labor potential is not an exception, the formation and effective use of which in new conditions is the key to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations and develop practical recommendations for the formation of personnel management strategy, taking into account the requirements of the information economy to the competencies changes. In order to reach this goal the following tasks have been solved: firstly, it has been studied the main features and tasks of the information economy; secondly, the influence of society informatization on the competence of labor personnel has been determined; thirdly, developed proposals for the personnel management strategy formation and enterprise staff according to the needs of the information economy.
Results. It is determined the influence of information economy on the labor personnel of the enterprise. Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the information economy, its characteristics are established. The tasks of information economy which require changes in the competencies and skills of labor personnel are considered. It has been developed the algorithm of a sole approach to the management and development of labor personnel, staffing and development of the enterprise in the information economy. It is offered the strategy of personnel development in information economy which includes the purpose, sequence of development, tools of development of workers and methods of their training. Defining the goals of staff development in the information economy has become the basis for highlighting the skills of staff, which allow them to become qualified professionals and achieve career growth. The tendencies of personnel management in the conditions of knowledge economy are established.
Conclusions. The use of the proposed personnel development strategy will ensure the formation and implementation of the competencies of workers which are necessary to ensure sustainable competitive advantages of the enterprise in achieving strategic goals. Further research should be aimed at determining the means of staff development to master new competencies, detailing the tools of employee development.
Keywords: development;, labor personnel; information economy; skills; strategy.
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Received: 26 March 2021
How to quote this article? |
Chyzh V., Gavrylenko Ya. (2021). Staff Development as a Component of Management Strategy in the Information Society. Modern Economics, 26(2021), 160-166. DOI: |