JEL Classification: Е 20, Е 44.
Kovalova O., Candidate of Economic Sciences, National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economy”, Kiеv, Ukraine
The article deals with the theoretical and methodological principles of determining the essence and significance of structural policy as a mechanism for the implementation of economic transformations. The content of the term “structural policy” in relation to such important aspects of the economic system as the organizational and economic environment, the institutional environment of structural policy is characterized. The scientific positions, which characterize the definition of structural policy as a mechanism for providing transformations in the economic system of the market, realization of the economic course of the state, are presented.
The evolution of theoretical foundations of structural policy and its interrelation with the processes of development of productive forces and industrial relations are analyzed. In this context, the general role of transformations as a factor of motion for a new quality is defined. The aspects of evolution of the understanding of the role of structural policy by representatives of various economic schools, from A. Smith to contemporaries, are covered. The structural scheme of interconnections in the framework of realization of structural policy is offered. The scientific substantiation of the differences of the relationship between the notions of “structural policy” and “structural transformations” is formulated.
Keywords: structural policy, structural transformations, economy, economic system, productive forces, industrial relations.
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