JEL Classification: J21, J23, J43, R23.
Alieksieieva Olga, main specialist, Department of agro-industrial development, ecology and natural resources of Vinnytsia Regional State Administration, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Introduction. Transformation processes in Ukraine, which are connected with the development of a democratic independent country with a socially oriented market system, are accompanied by economic and social problems in the country and, consequently, dole-queue crisis.
As of January 1, 2017, 42.6 million people (excluding the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol) are the population of Ukraine and 13.1 million people are living in countryside, which is 30.8%. There is a process of population decline in rural areas of all Ukraine regions.
A lot of domestic and foreign scientists are paying attention to the problems of rural population employment. Although this topic is still understudied and requires follow-up study.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to highlight the role of the state and the current public administration in the field of supporting the functioning and development of the labor market in the countryside.
Results. Insufficient state regulation of the most important social and economic tasks in the countryside has led to the dramatic drop in living standards. These trends has detrimental effect on the prestige of agricultural labor in Ukraine.
The goals of the state employment policy, as well as the functions which are performed by the state in the process of the labor market policy implementation are determined. The reasons which complicate the labor market and create additional problems in the process of it formation and regulation are given in this article. The mechanism of public administration of the labor market in the countryside is outlined. The results of the main legal documents that bring under regulation the functioning and development of rural territories and the labor market are presented and summarized.
Conclusions. In the process of formation and implementation of the new paradigm of the development of the labor market in the countryside, it is necessary to focus on measures aimed at increasing labor productivity, the rates of increase of wages agreed with it. As a result, it will help to determine better the competitiveness of manufactured products, the volume of household consumption, and hence the level and structure of employment of rural population.
The state employment policy should shift in emphasis from unemployment benefits to active employment promotion programs. Upon the development and implementation legal documentary supporting specific tasks should be defined instead of blurred formulations of a general nature with defined deadlines for their implementation and with an appropriate level of control from both the state and other market participants.
Keywords: labor market, rural labor force, state regulation of employment, unemployment, rural development.
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