Burkovska Alla, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Finance Banking and Insurance, Mykolayiv national agrarian university, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Mikuliak Kateryna, scientific degree applicant higher education accounting and Finance faculty, Mykolayiv national agrarian university, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
In the article the concept of competitiveness of the banking institution as an important element of their activities to achieve competitive advantage in the banking market. Various aspects and sources of comparative advantage: financial and human resources, tangible and intangible assets. It was established that the assessment of competitiveness of the banks for their financial resources as the main source of comparative advantage on deposits, loans, net income and capital. A comparative analysis of the competitive advantages of commercial banks in the financial services market. Typical impact on income and found that the greatest impact on the profit margins are loans and deposits. Model of communication between the rates on deposit operations and bank deposits amounted to its competitors and economic interpretation, resulting in the most adequate recognized parabolic function.
Keywords: banking, financial institution equity, deposit, competitiveness, credit, model, forecast net profit.
JEL classification: C 53; E 47; E 58.
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